Cập nhật lúc : 21:18 26/12/2022
LỚP 4 TUẦN 15-18
WEEK 15 (Date:12/12-16/12/2022)
Lesson 1: Period 57
1. Look, listen & repeat.
2. Point and say.
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ps can:
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic Past activities.
- Ask and answer questions about where someone was in the past, using Where were you yesterday? I was………
II. Languages focus:
1. Vocabulary: at home, at the zoo, on the beach, in the school library.
2. Sentence patterns:
A: Where were you yesterday?
B: I was at home.
III. Resources: student’s book, recording, cards, pictures, cassette player.
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
I. Warm -up. Check up. 7ms |
_ Call some Ss to go to the front of the class to tell what their family members are possibly doing at the moment. |
Some Ps |
1 Look, listen and repeat. 13ms |
- Have pupils look at the four pictures and identify the characters. - Introduce the situation of the story by pointing to each character and ask: Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about? - Explain the patterns: Where were you yesterday?? I was at home. - Play the recording for pupils to listen. - Mime the dialogue and have pupils repeat. - Divide the class into 2 groups. Have one group repeat the role of Miss Hien and the other repeat the role of pupils about where they were yesterday. - Have pupils work in 2 groups. - Have pupils work in pairs. - Have some pairs perform at the front of the class. |
Whole class
Answer Group work Pair work |
2. Point and say. 10ms |
- T gives structure and explains. - T models/ Ps repeat in chorus - Individually. * Sentence pattern: A: Where were you yesterday? B: I was at home. - Have pupils repeat the pattern. - Have pupils practice the pattern in 2groups, in pairs. - Model with a pupil (T asks - P answers; P asks - T answers). - Call on 2 Ps to model. - Ask the class to work in pairs. - T corrects pronunciation - Ask Ps to look at the bubbles and the pictures to understand how the languages is used, after that point to the pictures and teach the new phrases: + at home + at the zoo + on the beach + in the school library - Model 3 times, then have class repeat in individual and chorus 3 times. - Ask Ps to ask and answer the question about where the people were yesterday. - Ask Ps to work in pairs. - Invite a few pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class. - T corrects pronunciation. * Work in pairs. Ask your partners where they were yesterday. - Ask Ps are going to practice using Where were you yesterday? I was……… - Ask Ps work in pairs. - Call some pairs to role-play in front of the class. |
Whole class Group work Pair work
Pair work
Pair work
Pair work |
II. Consolidation. 5ms |
- Have Ss consolidate the lesson. - Comment and consolidate it again. |
Consolidate the lesson
WEEK 15 (Date:12/12-16/12/2022)
Lesson 1: Period 58
3. Listen and tick.
4. Look and write.
5. Let’s sing.
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ps can:
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic Past activities.
- Ask and answer questions about where someone was in the past, using Where were you yesterday? I was………
- Listen and tick the correct picture about where someone in the past.
- Complete the sentences.
- Sing a song
II. Languages focus:
1. Vocabulary:
2. Sentence patterns:
A: Where were you yesterday?
B: I was at home.
III. Resources: student’s book, recording, pictures, cassette player.
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
I. Warm-up. 5ms |
- Have some pairs to act out the questions and the answers in front of the class about where someone was yesterday/yesterday morning/yesterday afternoon/last weekend. |
Whole class |
3. Listen and tick. 10ms |
- Have Ps look at the pictures to identify the similarities and different among them. - T points to each picture and asks Ps some questions: + Where was he/she yesterday? - Have pupils guess the answers. - Have pupils listen to the first dialogue, teacher models the way to do the exercise and checks the answer with the class. - Play CD, have pupils listen and tick. - Have pupils share their answers in pairs. - Play CD, pause after each dialogue and check the answers. Key: : 1 c 2b 3 a Audio script: 1.Tom: Where were you yesterday morning, Nam? Nam: I was at school. What about you, Tom? Tom: I was at school, too. 2. Jack: Where were you last weekend? Tony: I was on the beach. Jack: Wow, that’s wonderful! 3. Mai: Where were you yesterday afternoon? Linda: I was in the school library. Mai: Were you there with Akiko? Linda: No, Akiko was in her classroom. |
Whole class
Individually Whole class
Individually Pair work
4. Look and write. 10ms |
- Have Ps look at the pictures and the questions after that complete the sentences about where the characters were. - Give a few seconds for pupils to look at the questions and the incomplete answers and to identify the missing words they need to complete the answers - Ask Ps to read the questions and complete. - Get Ps to do the task. - Get Ps to swap and check their answers. - Invite some Ps to write the correct answers on the board and read aloud. - Comment and correct if wrong. Key: 1. at home/in the kitchen 2. in the library/at school 3. on the beach - Call Ss to read aloud the complete question and answer |
- Listen and do what the T asked. - Do the task. - Act out. - Look at the board and copy. - Read. |
5 Let’s sing. 10ms |
- Have the class sing the song: “Where were you yesterday?” - Have Ps read each line of the lyrics. - Play the recording for Ps to listen. - Ask Ps to read the song line by line. - When they are singing, show them how to mime the lyrics. - Play the recording again and get Ps to sing along with the recording. - Divide the class into two groups: one sings the questions and the other sings the answers. - Have the class sing and mime the song in groups |
- Listen. - Listen and play game. - Listen. - Practice the game. |
WEEK 15 (Date:12/12-16/12/2022))
Lesson 2: Period 59
1. Look, listen & repeat.
2. Point and say.
3. Let’s talk.
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils can:
- Ask and answer questions about what someone did in the past, using What did you do yesterday? I + verd-ed
II. Languages focus:
1. Vocabulary: played badminton, painted a picture, watered the flowers
2. Sentence patterns: A: What did you do yesterday?
B: I was played badminton.
III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
I. Warm-up. Check up. 7ms |
- Call some Ps to the front of the class the class to sing the song Where were you yesterday? |
Some pairs |
1. Look, listen and repeat. 10ms |
- Ask Ps to open their books on page 66 and read the story. Get them to look at the four pictures and answer the following questions. - T asks: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? - Ps : answer - Introduce the situation of the dialogue. - Play the recording for pupils to listen. - Mime the dialogue and have pupils repeat. - Divide the class into 2 groups. Have one group repeat the role of Tony and the other repeat the role of Mai. ( change role ) - Call some pairs to read. |
Whole class Answer Group work Some pairs |
2. Point and say. 10ms |
- T gives structure and explains. - T models/ Ps repeat in chorus - Individually. * Pattern: A: What did you do yesterday? B: I+verb-ed - Have pupils repeat the pattern. - Have pupils practice the pattern in 2groups, in pairs. - Model with a pupil (T asks - P answers; P asks - T answers). - Call on 2 Ps to model. - Ask the class to work in pairs. - T corrects pronunciation - Ask Ps to look at the bubbles and the pictures to understand how the languages is used, after that point to the pictures and teach the new phrases: + played badminton + painted a picture + watered the flowers - Model 3 times, then have class repeat in individual and chorus 3 times. - Point the first picture and do the task with one Ps as a model. - Ask Ps to say the question and the answer chorally and individually. - Ask Ps to work in pairs. - Invite a few pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class. - T corrects pronunciation. |
Whole class
Whole class Group work Pair work
Pair work |
3 Let’s talk. 8ms |
- Review what they have learnt in lessons 1 and 2. - Get Ps to work in groups of 4 or 5, ask and answer questions about where their classmates are and what are doing, using : * Where were you yesterday? * What did you do? - T models with one Ps after that write the sentences on the board and give the class read choral, individual repetition. -Ask Ps work in pairs. - Call some pairs to role-play in front of the class. * Game: Kim’s game |
Group work
2 groups |
WEEK 15 (Date:12/12-16/12/2022)
Lesson 2: Period 60
4. Listen and number.
5. Look and write.
6. Let’s play.
I. Objectives: - Use the words and phrases related to the topics Past activities.
- Ask and answer questions about what someone did in the past, using Where were he/she yesterday afternoon? He/She was……….
- Listen and number the correct number about what people are doing.
- Complete the correct answers.
II. Languages focus:
1. Vocabulary:
2. Sentence patterns: A: Where was he/she yesterday afternoon?
B: He/She was at home.
III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
I. Warm-up. 5ms |
- Have Ps play the game “ Charades” - Comment. |
- Play the game - Listen |
4. Listen and number. 10ms |
- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to three dialogues about where Linda was and what she did, and number the pictures. - Ask them to look at the pictures and identify each activity. - Have pupils guess the answers. - Have Ps listen to the first of the text and teacher models the way to do the exercise and check the answer with the class. - Play CD, have Ps listen and number. - Play CD, pause after each dialogue and check the answers. Key: a. 3 b. 1 c. 2 - Comment and motivate Audio script: 1. Tom: Where were you yesterday morning? Linda: I was at home. Tom: What did you do? Linda: I watered the flowers. 2. Mai: Where were you yesterday afternoon? Linda: I was at school. Mai: What did you do? Linda: I painted a picture. 3. Jack: Where were you last weekend? Linda: I was on the beach at Ha Long Bay. Jack: What did you do there? Linda: I play volleyball. |
Whole class Individually Individually Pair work
5. Look and write. 10ms
- Have Ps look at the pictures and the questions after that complete the answers about where the characters were and what they did, using the picture cues. - Give a few seconds for pupils to look at the questions and the incomplete answers and find appropriate words to fill the gaps. - Ask Ps to read the questions and complete. - Get Ps to do the task. - Get Ps to swap and check their answers. - Invite some Ps to write the correct answers on the board and read aloud. - Comment and correct if wrong. Key: 1. in the kitchen, watered the flowers. 2. in the bedroom, watched TV 3. on the beach, played football - Call some pairs to act out the complete dialogues. |
- Listen - Read in silence - Listen - Do the task - Swap - Look at the board and copy - Listen |
6. Let’s play. 10ms |
- Have the game Pelmanism. - Explain the game: Ask Ss to play in small group. Prepare two sets of cards for each group, one with activities in the present tense, and the other with the same activities in the past tense. First, one player in each group shuffles the cards and lays them face down on the table. Each player in turn select two cards and turns them over. If the cards show the same activity in the present and past tenses, that player wins the pair and goes on to turn over another pair of cards. If the cards show different activities, that player should turn them face again and the next player has a turn. The game will end when all the cards are gone. The winner is the player with the most pairs. |
- Whole class
Group work |
WEEK 16 (Date: 19-23/12/2022)
Lesson 3: Period 61
1. Listen & repeat.
2. Listen and number. Then say aloud.
3. Let’s chant.
I. Objectives:
- Help Ps to pronounce the sounds of the letters ed /d/, ed /t/ and ed /id/ in the words played, watch and painted.
- Ps will listen and tick the correct boxes.
- Practice chanting and doing actions.
II. Languages focus:
1. Vocabulary:
2. Sentence patterns:
III. Resources: student’s book, recording, pictures, cassette player.
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
I. Warm-up. Check up. 7ms |
- Sing the song: What are they doing? - Call some Ps to ask and answer questions about what they are doing. |
Whole class
2 pairs |
1. Listen & repeat. 10ms |
- Write the letters ed with the three phonetic symbols and the words played, watched and painted on the board. - Present the sounds: “ed” - Play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few times. - Write 3 sentences in the book on the board. - Play the recording and let pupils say the words and the phrases. - Ask Ps to find some words with the sounds: “ed”. - Have Ps read the sounds, words and phrases in chorus and individually. - Call some Ps to read, T corrects the pronunciation. |
Whole class Individually |
2. Listen and tick. Then write and say aloud. 10ms |
- Tell Ps that they are going to listen the three sentences to the recording and tick the correct boxes, and then read the sentences aloud. - Ask Ps to read the sentences and guess how the verbs played, watched and painted are pronounced. - Play the recording so they can listen and tick the correct boxes. - Have Ps listen again and check. Then compare the answers with a partner. - Call some Ps to read aloud the completed sentences. Key: 1. /d/ 2. /t/ 3. /id/ |
Whole class
Pair work |
3. Let’s chant. 8ms |
- T reads the chant “What did he do yesterday? first. - Have Ps read the chant line by line and check comprehension. - Play the recording a few times for Ps to do choral and individual repetition. Show them how to chant and do actions. - Divide the class into 2 groups to chant and do actions. - Call some pairs to front of the class to chant and do actions. The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm. - Correct pronunciation. |
Whole class
Group work Pair work |
WEEK 16 (Date: 19-23/12/2022)
Lesson 3: Period 62
4. Read and complete
5. Write about you
6. Project.
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson:
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic Past activities.
- Ask and answer questions about where someone was in the past, using Where were you yesterday? I was………
- Help Ps to read the text and complete the sentences.
- Help Ps to write a short paragraph.
- Ps can interview with one of their classmates about where they were and what they did last weekend.
II. Languages focus:
1. Vocabulary: words and phrases related about Past activities
2. Sentence patterns:
III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
I. Warm-up. 5ms |
- Revise the chant: “What did he do yesterday?” - Comment |
- Revise the chant. - Listen.
4. Read and complete. 10ms |
- Ask Ps to read the text and complete the sentences. - Have Ps read the incomplete sentences under the text and elicit what words they need to fill the gaps. - Ask Ps to read the text to find the appropriate information to complete the sentences. - Have Ps work in pairs or groups. - Get Ps time to do the task independently. - Get Ps to swap to check their answers. - Correct and comment Key: 1. watered the flowers in the garden 2. played chess with her father 3. watched TV |
Whole class Group work |
5.Write about you 8ms |
- Ask Ps to write a short paragraph about themselves. - Ask Ps look at the word cues and write. - Have Ps work in pairs or groups to discuss what they did yesterday. - Get Ps time to do the task independently. - Go around to offer help - Get Ps to swap to check their answers. - Call one Ps to write their paragraphs on the board. - Comment. |
Whole class
Pair work |
6. Project. 7ms |
-Ask Ps that they are going to do an interview with one of their classmates about where he/she was and what he/she did last weekend and report to the class. - Give each of them a piece of paper. - Have Ps work in pairs and ask Ps that they should take notes during the interview. - When Ps finish interviewing, ask them to report to the class to the class about their partners’ weekend. |
- Listen. - Do the project.
II. Consolidation. 5ms |
- Have Ps consolidate the lesson. - Comment and consolidate it again. |
- Consolidate the lesson.
WEEK 16 (Date: 19-23/12/2022)
REVIEW 2 (Period 63,64)
I. Objectives: - By the end of this unit, Ps can:
- Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school.
- Read and identify specific information related to theme Me and my school.
- Describe pictures.
- Read, listen to and understand a short story.
II. Procedure:
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm - up. 5ms |
- Have the class sing a song: “Where were you yesterday? - Call some Ps to tell about their school. |
Whole class
2. Listen and tick 10ms |
- Ask Ps are going to listen to four dialogues and tick the correct pictures. - Have Ps to look at the pictures. Ask Ps to identify the similarities and differences among them. After that check understanding. - Play the recording three times for Ps to listen, do the task and check their answers. - Get to Ps swap before check as a class. - Explain the answers and give further support to Ps who got more than half of the answers wrong. Key: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b |
Whole class
Listen and tick
3. Read and circle 15ms |
- Ask Ps are going to read the text and circle the correct answers. - Give Ps a few times to read the text in silence. - Checking understand. - Have Ps read the text again. - Get Ps to do the task independently. -Ask one Ps circle the correct answers on the board. Key: 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c |
Whole class Individually |
4. Read and match 10ms
- Ask Ps To read the sentences on the left and pair them with those on the right by drawing a line between them. - Get Ps to do the task independently. - Get Ps to swap. - Have a few pairs act out the dialogues. Key: 1.d 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.c |
Whole class Individually |
5. Look and write. Then say. 10ms |
- Ask Ps to look at the pictures and questions and write the answers. - Give them a few times to read the questions in silence - Ask Ps work in pairs. - Give them time to do the task individually. - Get Ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. - Call some pairs to do the dialogues. Key: 1. It’s in Binh Minh Village 2. I/We have English, Science, Vietnamese and Maths. 3. He’s playing basketball. She’s listening to music. 4. They were on the beach. They played football. |
Pair work Individually |
6. Let’s write 15ms |
- Have Ps are going to read the incomplete text and fill the gaps. - Give them a few times to look at the picture and read the text in silence. - Give them a few times to do the task. - Get Ps to swap. - Call some Ps to read the paragraphs aloud. Key: 1. listening to music 2. playing chess 3. slipping rope 4. reading a book |
Whole class Individually |
7. Consolidation. 5ms |
- Have Ss consolidate the lesson - Comment and consolidate it again. |
WEEK 17 (Date: 26-30/12/2022)
CAT AND MOUSE 2 (Period 65,66)
I. Objectives: - By the end of this story, Ps can:
- Read, listen to and understand a short story.
- Read and complete the conversation and unscramble these words from the conversation.
II. Procedure:
Stages/ Time |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm - up. 5ms |
- Call some Ps to tell about themself in front of the class. |
Whole class |
2. Read and listen to the story 30ms |
- Ask Ps are going to read and listen to the short story. - Before Ps listen, ask them to look at the pictures and ask them questions to remind them of the old characters and introduce the new character. - Ask Ps to read the short story in silence. And then play the tape and let the Ps listen.
Whole class
3. Complete the conversation 35ms |
- Ask Ps are going to read the text and fill the gaps. - Give Ps a few times to read the text and check comprehension. - Get Ps to do the task independently. - Get Ps to swap. - Call some pairs to read aloud the dialogue. |
Whole class Individually |
WEEK 17 (Date: 26-30/12/2022)
(Period 67,68)
Kiểm Tra nói
WEEK 18 (Date: 02/01 - 06/01/2023)
Subject: English
Times : 40’
LỚP 5 TUẦN 15-18
WEEK 15 (Date: 12/12 – 16/12/2022)
Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3 Period 57
I. Objectives:
By the end of this unit, pupils can
use the words and phrases related to the topic School events and Future activities. ask and answer questions about school events, using When will ... be? It’ll be on ...2. Skills:
- Develop Ps speaking and listening skills
3. Language focus:
- Sentence Pattern: When will ... be? It’ll be on ...
- Vocabulary: take part in, look for, independence….
II. Resources:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm up(5’) |
Play “jumbled letters” game |
- Play the game
2. Look, listen and repeat. (10’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to read and listen to a story. Have pupils look at the pictures. Ask them questions such as Who are the pupils? Where are they? What are they talking about Check their comprehension. Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in the their books. Play it again for them to do choral repetition, pointing to the characters speaking. |
- Listen - Look at the pictures and answer: - In Picture a, Mai asks Tony where Phong is and Tony answers Phong is in the gym. - In Picture b, Mai asks what Phong is doing there and Tony says he is practising for Sports Day. |
3. Point and say(10’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about when school events will be, using When will ... be? It’ll be on ... - Have them look at the pictures and read the names of the days: Sports Day, Teachers’ Day, Independence Day and Children’s Day. Get them to practise the question When will ... be? using the words under the pictures. Then have them practise the answer It’ll be on ... Point to the pictures and ask the questions for the class to answer, using the prompts. - Have the class practise asking and answering in pairs. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. Invite a few pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class. |
- In Picture c, Mai asks When will Sports Day be? and Tony answers On Saturday. - In Picture d, Tony says he will take part in Sports Day.) - Listen and copy + Listen and repeat + Groups, individuals - Do as directed - Listen - Listen and copy |
4. Let’s talk(5’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to practise further by asking and answering the question in their books. - Ask pupils to work in pairs: one pupil asks When will ... be? and the other answers It’ll be on ... Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Invite one or two pairs to act out the exchanges in front of the class, then give feedback. Correct their pronunciation, if necessary. |
- Do as directed - Listen to the teacher - Work in pairs to do the task |
5. Homework(3’) |
- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words |
- Remember |
WEEK 15 (Date: 12/12 – 16/12/2022)
Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6 Period 58
I. Objectives:
By the end of this unit, pupils can
use the words and phrases related to the topic School events and Future activities. ask and answer questions about school events, using When will ... be? It’ll be on ...2. Skills:
- Develop Ps speaking and listening skills
3. Language focus:
- Vocabulary and structures: review
II. Resources:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm up(5’) |
Play the game “jumbled letters” |
- Play the game |
2. Listen and match(10’) |
Tell the class that they are going to listen and draw lines to match Pictures 1–3 with Pictures a–c.
Have pupils look at the pictures to identify the people and activities (1. Mai’s singing. 2. Phong and Tony are playing table tennis. 3. Linda is playing the piano.), and the school events (a. Teachers’ Day. b. Children’s Day. c. Independence Day). Check their understanding.
Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen. Play it again for them to do the task. Tell them that they should pay attention to the activities and the school events.
Get them to swap and compare their answers before checking as a class. Go around and offer help, if necessary.
Key: 1 c 2 a 3 b |
- Listen to the tape - Listen and do the task - Answer the question. - Listen to the teacher |
3. Read and match(10’) | Tell the class that they are going to read and match the questions with the answers. Give them a few seconds to read and do the task. If necessary, get them to work in pairs or in groups. Go around and offer help, if necessary. Get pupils to compare their answers before checking as a class. If there is enough time, invite some pairs to ask and answer the questions. Key: 1 b 2 c 3 e 4 a 5 d |
- Do as directed. - Individually - Work in pairs - The whole class read aloud |
4. Let’s sing(7’) | Tell the class that they are going to sing When will Sports Day be? Teach the song, following the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Introduction. Have pupils read the lyrics. Check their comprehension. Play the recording all the way through for pupils to do choral repetition of the song line by line. When they are familiar with the melody, ask two groups of four to go to the front of the class to sing the song: one group sings the questions and the other sings the answers. Ask the rest of the class to sing with them and clap their hands along to the rhythm. |
- Listen to the teacher - Read each line of the lyrics - Listen to the tape - Listen and repeat each line - The whole class - Practice in groups - The whole class |
5. Homework | - Do exercises in the workbook. Prepare the next period. |
- Remember |
WEEK 15 (Date: 12/12 – 16/12/2022)
Lesson 2: Part 1-2-3 Period 59
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this unit, pupils can
use the words and phrases related to the topic School events and Future activities. ask and answer questions about what someone is going to do/play on Sports Day, usingWhat are you going to do on Sports Day? I’m going to ...
2. Skills:
- Develop Ps speaking and listening skills.
3. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: play, great…
- Structures: What are you going to do on Sports Day? I’m going to ...
II. Resources:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm up(5’) |
Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by calling some pupils to the front of the class to sing When will Sports Day be? Ask the rest of the class to sing with them and clap their hands along to the rhythm. |
- Sing the song
2. Look, listen and repeat(10’) |
Tell the class that they are going to read and listen to a story about what someone is going to do on Sports Day.
Have pupils look at the pictures and ask them questions: Who are the pupils? Where are they? What are they doing? Check their comprehension.
Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in their books. Play it again for them to do choral repetition, pointing to the characters speaking.
Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat |
- Listen - Look at the pictures and answer: - In Picture a, Mai, Linda and Tony are at school and talking about Sports Day. - In Picture b, Mai asks where Sports Day will be and Linda answers that it will be in the sports ground near their school. - In Picture c, Linda asks What are you going to do on Sports Day, Mai? and Mai answers I’m going to play table tennis. - In Picture d, Linda asks Tony the same question and he answers Phong and I are going to play football.) - Listen and repeat - Do as directed - Listen and copy + Groups, individuals - Work in pairs |
3. Point and say(10’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about what someone is going to do on Sports Day, using What are you going to do on Sports Day? I’m going to ... - Have pupils look at the pictures and read the phrases. Get pupils to practise saying I’m going to ..., using the prompts. Point to Picture a and ask What are you going to do on Sports Day? for the class to answer I’m going to play basketball. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pictures. - Ask pupils to practise asking and answering in pairs. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Invite a few pairs to act out the exchanges in front of the class. Correct their pronunciation, if necessary |
- Some pairs perform in front of class |
4. Let’s talk(7’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to practise further by asking and answering the questions in their books. If you want to add variety, you can invite them to imagine they are in different schools and give different answers. Tell them to make their own timetables before practising. - Set a time limit for pupils to practise. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Invite two or three pairs to act out their conversations. Then give feedback. |
- Listen to the teacher |
5. Homework(3’) |
- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words |
- Remember |
WEEK 15 (Date: 12/12 – 16/12/2022)
Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6 Period 60
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge:
By the end of this unit, pupils can
use the words and phrases related to the topic School events and Future activities. ask and answer questions about what someone is going to do/play on Sports Day, usingWhat are you going to do on Sports Day? I’m going to ...
2. Skills:
- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills
3. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: Review
II. Resources:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm up(5’) |
Play the game: Order the words |
- Play game |
2. Listen and number(10’) |
Tell the class that they are going to listen and number the pictures.
Ask pupils to look at the pictures and help them to identify the meanings of the symbols in the pictures (a. Basketball. b. Badminton. c. Table tennis. d. Sports Day.) Check their understanding.
Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen. Play it again for them to do the task.
Get them to swap and compare their answers before checking as a class.
Key: a 4 b 2 c 3 d 1 |
- Listen to the teacher - Listen to the tape - Listen and do the task
3. Write about you(10’) | Tell the class that they are going to write the answers to the questions. Ask them to read the questions and think about the answers. Get pupils to work in pairs, if necessary. Give pupils time to do the task independently. Go around and offer help, if necessary. Get them to swap and read their answers before checking as a class. If there is enough time, invite some pairs to act out the dialogues. Key: Answers vary |
- Listen - Do the task - Individually - Work in pairs - Some Ps - The whole class |
4. Let’s play(8’) |
Tell the class that they are going to play Pass the secret! Follow the procedure in Games in
Introduction. Divide pupils into groups of seven. Ask them to line up in rows. Whisper a sentence to the first pupil in each row. (E.g. We’re going to play table tennis on Sports Day.) The first pupil then whispers the sentence to the second one, and so on. The last pupil in the row says aloud the sentence he/ she heard. If the sentence is correct, the team wins one point. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. To make the game more competitive, select one pupil from each group to act as teachers. These pupils should say the sentences that the class has learnt from Lessons 1 and 2, and they have to whisper different sentences to the teams |
- Listen - Do as directed - Listen - Play in groups |
5. Homework(2’) | Do exercises in workbook, prepare the next period. |
-Remember |
WEEK 16 (Date: 19/12 - 23/12/2022)
Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3 Period 61
I. Objectives:
1Knowledge: By the end of this unit, pupils can
use the words and phrases related to the topic School events and Future activities. say questions and answers with the correct sentence stress.2. Skills:
- Develop Ps writing and listening skills
3. Language focus:
- Vocabulary and structures: Review
- Phonics: stress on questions and answersII. Resources:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm up(5’) |
Play game: Pass the secret! |
- Play the game |
2. Listen and repeat(10’) | Tell the class that they are going to listen and underline the stressed words. Play the recording all the way through for them to listen and follow in their books. Play it again for them to do the task. Go around and offer help, if necessary. Have them swap and compare their answers before checking as a class. Then ask the class to read the sentences aloud. |
- Listen to the teacher - Listen to the tape - Listen and repeat in choral, groups and individual |
3. Listen and underline the stress words. Then say aloud(10’) | Tell the class that they are going to listen and underline the stress words. Give them a few seconds to read the sentences in silence before playing the recording twice for them to do the task. Get them to compare their answers in pairs before |
- Listen to the teacher - Look at the books and guess - Listen and write - Listen and check - Read aloud - Listen to the teacher |
4. Let’s chant(7’) |
Tell the class that they are going to chant What are they going to do? Follow the procedure in
Teaching the unit components in Introduction. Have them say the chant and check their comprehension. Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in their books. Play it again for them to do choral repetition. Get pupils to practise chanting and doing actions in groups. Call two groups to the front of the class to chant and do actions: one group chants the questions and the other chants the answers. The rest of the class claps their hands along to the rhythm. |
- Read the chant - Do as directed -Practice in groups - Work in pairs - The whole class |
5. Homework(3’) |
- Do exercises in workbook, prepare the next period. |
- Remember |
WEEK 16 WEEK 16 (Date: 19/12 - 23/12/2022)
Lesson 3: Part 4-5-6-7 Period 62
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to use words and phrases related to the topic about school events and future activities.
2. Skills:
- Develop Ps writing and listening skills
3. Language focus:
- Vocabulary and structures: review
II. Resources:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm up(5’) |
Spend a few minutes revising the chant What are they going to do? by getting two groups of five to the front of the class to say the chant and do actions. Ask the rest of the class to listen and clap their hands along to the rhythm. |
Read the chant |
2. Read and stick(8’) | Tell the class that they are going to read and tick the correct symbols. Get them to read the text and pay attention to what the characters are going to do on Sports Day. Ask pupils to work in pairs or small groups, if necessary. Give them time to do the task. Go around and offer help, if necessary |
- Listen to the teacher - Read the paragraph - Individually - Work in pairs - Some Ps - Answer the T’s question - The whole class |
3. Write about Sports Day(8’) | Tell the class that they are going to write about Sports Day at their own school. Have pupils work in pairs or groups to discuss what they are going to write. Tell them to focus on what they are going to play/do in the event. Give them time to do the task independently. Go around and offer help, if necessary. Get them to swap and read what they have written before inviting two or three pupils to read their answers aloud. Key: Answers vary |
- Listen to the teacher - Do as directed - Write - Work in pairs - The whole class - Listen |
4. Project(8’) | Tell the class that they are going to draw three sports. Ask them to work in groups of three to discuss and select three sports. Then they will decide who will do what: drawing symbols, writing sentences about the sports and telling the class about them. Give each group a piece of paper to draw the symbols and write the sentences. Encourage them to colour the symbols. Give them time to do the project. Invite one or two groups to present their drawings to the class and talk about the sports. (E.g. This is swimming. Ha and Lan in our group like swimming very much. They go swimming every week.) |
- Work in groups - Do the task |
5. Colour the star(5’) |
- Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension. - Give them time to colour the stars and invite a few pupils to read the statements aloud. - Give further support to pupils who find it difficult to achieve certain objectives. |
- Read the statements - Colour the stars |
6. Homework(2’) |
Do exercises in workbook, prepare the next period |
- Remember |
WEEK 16 WEEK 16 (Date: 19/12 - 23/12/2022)
REVIEW 2 (Period 63,64)
I. Objectives: 1.Knowledge: By the end of this unit, ps can :
- Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school.
- Read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school.
- Use simple sentences to write about theselves.
- Read, listen to and understand a short story.
2. Skills: - Develop Ps writing and listening skills.
3. Language focus: - Vocabulary and structures: review
II. Resources: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
I. Warm up(5’) |
Spend a few minutes revising the previous by calling some ps to chant What are they going to do? |
Read and chant |
1. Listen and tick(20’) | Tell the class tha t they are going to lísten two conversations and tick the corrects pics Give ps a few seconds to at the pics Play the reconding allthe way through for ps to listen and follow in their book.Play it again for them to do the task Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class Play it again to confirm the correct answers Key 1 c 2b |
- Listen to the teacher - Listen to the tape - Listen and do the task |
2. Listen and number(20’) | Tell the class tha t they are going to listen and number the pics Give ps a few seconds to look at the pics .Ask them to indentify each character and what he/ sho doing Play the reconding allthe way through for ps to listen and follow in their book.Play it again for them to do the task Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class Key a3 b4 c1 d2 |
- Listen to the teacher - Listen to the tape - Listen and do the task |
3. Listen and tick Yes or No(20’) | Tell the class tha t they are going to lísten two conversations and tick Yes or No Give ps a few seconds to read the sentence and guess the answer Play the reconding allthe way through for ps to listen and follow in their book.Play it again for them to do the task Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class Key 1Y 2N |
- Listen to the tape - Listen and do the task |
4. Read and write(20’) |
- Tell the class tha t they are going to read the passege and write the answer to the questions - Give them time to read the questions in silence and underline the key words and phrases.Then ask them to find the relevant information in the passage to answer the questions - Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class - Key: 1. He has it four times a week 2. He can read Aladdin and Magic Lamp in E 3. He pracises speaking by talking to his foreign friends 4. He pracises writing by sending emails to his friend Hakim in Malaysia. 5. Because he wants to watch E cartoons on Tv |
- Listen to the teacher - Read the paragraph - Individually - Work in pairs - - Some Ps |
5. Write about you(25’) |
Tell the class tha t they are going to write sentences about themselves. Give them time to read the questions in silence .Check their understanding and remind them to write the answers based on the information about themselves Get them to swap and read what they have written in pairs before inviting two or three ps to read their answers aloud Key ; Answers vary |
- Listen - Do the task - Individually - Work in pairs - Some Ps - The whole class |
6. Read and listen to the story (20’) |
- Tell the class tha t they are going to read and listen to a story. After they have read the story, ask them some questions. What is Chit going to do for Mouse sport day ? What about his sister Mimi & Nini? What is his brother , Jack, going to do that day? Play the reconding allthe way through for ps to listen and follow in their book.Play it again for them to do the task.- Ask ps to act out the story if there is enought time. |
- Listen to the teacher - Read the paragraph - Individually - Work in pairs |
WEEK 17 (Date: 26/12 - 30/12/2022)
Short story Cat and Mouse 2
Period 65,66
I. Objectives: 1.Knowledge: By the end of this unit, ps can :
- Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school.
- Read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my school.
- Use simple sentences to write about theselves.
- Read, listen to and understand a short story.
2. Skills: - Develop Ps writing and listening skills.
3. Language focus: - Vocabulary and structures: review
II. Resources: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
III. Procedures:
Stages |
Content |
Interaction |
1. Warm up(5’) |
Spend a few minutes revising the previous by calling some ps to chant What are they going to do? |
Read and chant |
2. Answer the question.(10’) |
- Tell the class tha t they are going to read the story again and answer the qs. - Give them a time limit to do the task - Ask them to compare their answer before checking as a class. - Invite some pairs to ask and answer the qs. - Key: 1. They are practising for mouse sport day. 2. He’s going to run a hundred meters 3. She’s going to play badminton. 4. She’s going to play table tennis. 5. No, he isn’t. |
- Listen to the teacher - Read the paragraph - Individually - Work in pairs - - Some Ps |
3. Unscramble these words from the story(15’) |
Tell the class tha t they are going to unscramble the letter and write the words from the conversation in activity 1. Give them a time limit to do the task Get them to swap and check their answer before checking as a class. Key : a. hundred b. Saturday c. watch d. badmiton e. practising |
- Listen - Do the task - Individually - Work in pairs - Some Ps - The whole class |
4. Read and complete(15’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to read and fill a gapped conversation. Give the afew seconds to read the conversation in silence. Check their comprehension. Give them a time limit to do the task.- Invite some pairs to ask and answer the qs - Key : 1. Will 2. Going 3. Am 4. Run 5. not |
- Listen to the teacher - Read the paragraph - Individually - Work in pairs |
5. Work in pair. Talk about your school Sports day (15’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to have a similar conversation to the one activity 4 . Ask them to work in pairs. - Remind them that they can replace run a hundred metres with other events. - Give them a time limit to do the task. - Invite some pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class. |
- Work in pairs |
6. Read and match(10’) |
- Tell the class that they are going to read and match the question with the answers. - Give the afew seconds to read the question and answer in silence. Check their comprehension. - Give them a time limit to do the task - Get them to swap and check their answer before checking as a class. - Key : 1. E 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C |
Listen to the teacher - Read the paragraph - Individually - Work in pairs |
WEEK 17 (Date: 26/12 - 30/12/2022)
Period 67,68
WEEK 18 (Date: 02/01 - 06/01/2023)
Subject: English
Times : 40’
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