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Cập nhật lúc : 20:12 05/12/2022  


LỚP 4 TUẦN 13-14

WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11-02/12/2022)                                                                      

Unit 8: What subjects do you have today?

                                         Lesson 3: Period 49

1. Listen & repeat.

2. Listen and circle. Then write and say aloud.

3. Let’s chant.

I. Objectives:

- Ask and answer questions about subjects

            - Help Ps to pronounce the sounds of the letters ct and cts in the words subject and subjects respectively.

II. Languages focus:


1. Vocabulary: words and phrases related about the school, class.

2. Sentence patterns: questions about what class someone is in and where a school is.

III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm-up.

   Check up.


- Have Ps play the game: “Slap the board” Using the words for school subjects.

Whole class



1. Listen & repeat.


-  Write the letters ct and cts on board.

-    Present the sounds: “ct and cts”.

-  Play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few times.

- Write the words subject, subjects and 2 sentences in the book on the board.

- Play the recording and let pupils say the words and the phrases.

- Ask s to find some words with the sounds: “ct and cts”.

- Have Ps read the sounds, words and phrases in chorus and individually.

- Call some Ps to read, T corrects the pronunciation.

Whole class


2. Listen and tick Then say aloud.


-Tell Ps that they are going to listen to the recording and circle the correct words, and then read the sentences aloud.

-Ask Ps to read the sentences and guess the correct words answer.

-Have Ps listen and do the task. Then compare the answers with a partner.

-Call some Ps to read aloud the completed sentences.

Key: 1. subjects   2. subject    3. subjects    4. subject

Audio Script:

1. What subjects do you have today?

2. What subject do you like?

3. What subjects does she have on Friday?

4. What subject does she like?


Whole class


Pair work

3. Let’s chant.


- Introduce the chant “What subjects do you have today?”

- T reads the chant first.

-Have Ps read the chant line by line and check comprehension.

- Play the recording a few times for Ps to do choral and individual repetition. Show them how to chant and do actions.

- Divide the class into 2 groups to chant and do actions.

- Call some pairs to front of the class to chant and do actions. The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm.

- Correct pronunciation.



Whole class





Group work

Pair work

II. Consolidation. 


-  Have Ps consolidate the lesson.

- Comment and consolidate it again.


- Consolidate the lesson.



WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11-02/12/2022)

Unit 8: What subjects do you have today?

Lesson 3: Period 50

4. Read and complete.

5. Write about you and your school subjects.

6. Project.

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ps can ask and answer questions about school subjects and when someone has a subject.

            - Help Ps to read and complete some sentences about their school subjects.

            - Help Ps to interview a friend in another school about his/her timetable and tell the class about it.

II. Languages focus:


1. Vocabulary: words and phrases related about school subjects.

2. Sentence patterns: questions about school subjects and when someone has a subject.

III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm-up.


- Revise the chant: “What subjects do you have today?”

- Comment

- Revise the chant.

- Listen.


4. Read and complete.


- Ask Ps to read the timetable and guess the subjects they can use to fill the gaps.

- Have Ps to read the text to find the information to complete the timetable.

- Get Ps to work in pairs.

- Get Ps time to do the task independently.

- Get Ps to swap to check their answers.

- Correct and comment.


1.Vietnamese     2. Maths     3. Sciences     4.Art

- Ask some Ps to read the timetable in the front the class.

Whole class

Group work

5.Write about your school.


- Instruct Ps to complete some sentences about their school subjects.

- Have Ps work in pair or groups to discuss what they are going to fill the gaps. Focus them on the name of their school, the school days, the school subjects, when they have English, and their favorite subject.

- Get Ps time to do the task independently.

- Go around to offer help

- Get Ps to swap to check their answers.

- Call some Ps to write the correct answers on the board.

- Comment.


Whole class

Pair work

6. Project.


Make a card about your friend’s school and class.

- Ask Ps to prepare a small piece of paper and ask them to copy the table in the Ps’s Book on the paper.

- Have Ps to ask a friend in another school about his/her timetable during break time and tick the table.

- Have them tell the class about their friends’ timetables

- Listen.

- Do the project.




-  Have Ps consolidate the lesson.

- Comment and consolidate it again.

- Consolidate the lesson.


WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11-02/12/2022)

Unit 9: What are they doing?

Lesson 1: Period 51

1. Look, listen & repeat.

2. Point and say.

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ps can:

- Use the words and phrases related to the topics Classroom activities.

- Ask and answer questions about what someone is doing, using What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s…………..

II. Languages focus:

1. Vocabulary: watching a video, listening to music, writing a dictation, reading a text.

2. Sentence patterns:

            A: What’s he/she doing?

B: He’s/She’s watching a video.

III. Resources: student’s book, recording, cards, pictures, cassette player.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm -up.

     Check up.


- Have Ps to play the game: “ Bingo”


Whole class


2 pairs

1. Look, listen and repeat.


- Have pupils look at the four pictures and identify the characters.

-   Introduce the situation of the story by pointing to each character and ask: Where are they? What are they doing?

-   Explain the patterns: What’s he doing?

                                       He’s reading a book.

-   Play the recording for pupils to listen.

-   Mime the dialogue and have pupils repeat.

-  Divide the class into 2 groups. Have one group repeat the role of Mai and the other repeat the role ofNamand Peter about what they doing.

-   Have pupils work in 2 groups.

-   Have pupils work in pairs.

-   Have some pairs perform at the front of the class.

-   Elicit new words from Ps.

- Teacher models: 3 times, choral repetition: twice, individual: 3 times.

* Vocabulary: Explaining

I. -  watching a video

II. - listening to music

III. - writing a dictation

IV. - reading a text

V.- Read.

- Have Ps repeat.

Checking vocabulary:  Matching game

Whole class




Group work

Pair work

Whole class






2. Point and say.


T gives structure and explains.

-  T models/ Ps repeat in chorus - Individually.

*Sentences pattern:

 A: What’s he/she doing?

 B: He’s/She’s watching a video.

-   Have pupils repeat the pattern.

-   Have pupils practice the pattern in 2groups, in pairs.

-  Ask Ps to look at the four pictures to identify what the girl can do in each picture and repeat each twice.

- Model 3 times, then have class repeat in chorus 3 times.

- Model with a pupil (T asks - P answers; P asks - T answers).

-  Call on 2 Ps to model.

-  Ask the class to work in pairs.

-  T corrects pronunciation.

Note: be+verb-ing is used to express an action happening at the moment of speaking.


Whole class




Whole class

Group work

Pair work

II. Consolidation.


-  Have Ss consolidate the lesson.

-  Comment and consolidate it again.

Consolidate the lesson



WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11-02/12/2022)

Unit 9: What are they doing?

Lesson 1: Period 52

3. Listen and tick.

4. Look and write.

5. Let’s play

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ps can:

 - Ask and answer questions about what someone is doing, using What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s…………..

- Listen and tick the correct picture about what someone is doing.

- Complete the sentences.

- Play game well.

II. Languages focus:

1. Vocabulary: watching a video, listening to music, writing a dictation, reading a text.

2. Sentence patterns:

           A: What’s he/she doing?

B: He’s/She’s watching a video  

III. Resources: student’s book, recording, pictures, cassette player.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm-up.


- Have pairs to act out the questions and the answers in front of the class about what someone is doing.

Whole class

3. Listen and tick.


- Have Ps look at the pictures to identify the similarities and different among them.

- T points to each picture and asks Ps some questions:

+ What’s she/she doing?

-    Have pupils guess the answers.

-    Have pupils listen to the first dialogue, teacher models the way to do the exercise and checks the answer with the class.

-    Play CD, have pupils listen and tick.

-    Have pupils share their answers in pairs.

- Play CD, pause after each dialogue and check the answers.

Key: :   1 b    2c     3 a 

Audio script:

1.Tom: Where’s Tom?

   Mai:  She’s in the library.

  Tom: What’s she doing?

  Mai: She’s reading a book.

2. Tom: Where’s Nam?

  Mai: He’s in the classroom.

 Tom: What’s he doing?

 Mai: He’s writing a dictation.

3. Tom: Where’s Peter?

  Mai: He’s in the computer room.

 Tom: what’s he doing?

  Mai: He’s listening to music.

Whole class




Whole class





Pair work





4 Look and write.


 - Have Ps look at the pictures and answer the questions about what someone is doing, using the picture cues.

 - Give a few seconds for pupils to look at the pictures to identify what the character in each picture is doing.

- Ask Ps to read the questions and write the answers.

 - Get Ps to do the task.

 - Get Ps to swap and check their answers.

 - Invite some Ps write the correct answers on the board and read aloud.

- Comment and correct if wrong.

Key:  1. He’s reading a book.

        2. She’s writing a dictation.

          3.He’s listening to music.     

          4.She’s watching TV/a video.

- Call Ss to read aloud the complete question and answer aloud.

- Listen and do what the T asked.

- Do the task.

- Act out.

- Look at the board and copy.

- Read.

4. Let’s play.


- Play the game: “ Charades”

-Explain the game.

- Divide them into groups of three. Ps 1 mines a classroom activity, Ps 2 point to P1 and asks What’s he/she doing? Ps 3 answers.

- The Ps in groups take turns asking and answering the questions.

- Comment.

- Listen.

- Listen and play game.

- Listen.

- Practice the game.


WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12-09/12/2022)

Unit 9: What are they doing?

Lesson 2: Period 53

1. Look, listen & repeat.

2. Point and say.

3. Let’s talk.

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils can:

                - Ask and answer questions about what people are doing, using What are they doing? They’re………

II. Languages focus:

1. Vocabulary: painting marks, making a puppet, playing badminton, making paper planes.

2. Sentence patterns: A: What are they doing?

                                    B: They’re painting marks.

III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm-up.

   Check up.


- Call some Ps to the front of the class to ask and answer questions about activities happening in the classroom, using What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s………….

Some pairs

1. Look, listen and repeat.


- Ask Ps to open their books on page 60 and read the story. Get them to look at the three pictures and answer the following questions.

- T asks: Who’s the boys? Where are they?

               What are they doing?

- Ps : answer

- Introduce the situation of the dialogue.

- Play the recording for pupils to listen.

- Mime the dialogue and have pupils repeat.

- Divide the class into 2 groups. Have one group repeat the role of Tom and the other repeat the role of Linda.

 ( change role )

-  Call some pairs to read.

Whole class


Group work

 Some pairs

2. Point and say.


T gives structure and explains.

-  T models/ Ps repeat in chorus - Individually.

* Sentence pattern:

A: What are they doing?

B: They’re painting marks.

 Note: they are=they’re

-   Have pupils repeat the pattern.

-   Have pupils practice the pattern in 2groups, in pairs.

- Model with a pupil (T asks - P answers; P asks - T answers).

-  Call on 2 Ps to model.

-  Ask the class to work in pairs.

-  T corrects pronunciation

- Ask Ps to look at the bubbles and the pictures to understand how the languages is used, after that point to the pictures and teach the new phrases:

     + painting masks

     + making a puppet

     + playing badminton

     + making paper planes

- Model 3 times, then have class repeat in individual and chorus 3 times.

- Ask Ps to ask and answer the question What are they doing? And give answer They + be + verb-ing chorally and individual by using the new words.

- Ask Ps to work in pairs.

- Invite a few pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class.

- T corrects pronunciation.


Whole class








Whole class

Group work

Pair work




Pair work

3. Let’s talk.


- Review what they have learnt in lessons 1 and 2.

- Get Ps to work in groups of 4 or 5, ask and answer questions about where their classmates are and what are doing, using :

-Where is he/she?

- What’s he/she doing?

- Where are they?

- What are they doing?

- Remind Ps how to use be+verb-ing to ask and answer about what people are doing at the moment of speaking.

- T models with one Ps after that write the sentences on the board and give the class read choral, individual repetition.

-Ask Ps work in pairs.

- Call some pairs to role-play in front of the class.

* Game: Lucky number


Group work


2 groups


WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12-09/12/2022)

Unit 9: What are they doing?

Lesson 2: Period 54

4. Listen and number.

5. Look and write.

6. Let’s sing.

I. Objectives:

                - Use the words and phrases related to the topics Classroom activities.

     - Ask and answer questions about what people are doing, using What are they doing? They’re………

-  Listen and number the correct number about what people are doing.

- Write the correct answers.

II. Languages focus:

1. Vocabulary:

2. Sentence patterns:   A: What are they doing?

                                       B: They’re painting masks.

III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm-up.


- Ask some pairs to ask and answer about what people are doing, using What are they doing? They’re…..

 - Comment.

- Ask and answer

- Listen

4. Listen and number.


- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to the text about what some Ps are doing at the break time and number the pictures.

- Ask them to look at the pictures and identify each activity.

- Have pupils guess the answers.

- Have pupils listen to the first of the text and teacher models the way to do the exercise and check the answer with the class.

- Play CD, have pupils listen and tick.

- Have pupils share their answers in pairs.

- Play CD, pause after each dialogue and check the answers.

 Key:  a2    b4    c3    d1

- Comment and motivate

Audio script:

It is break time now.

1. The boys are playing football.

2. The girls are playing badminton in the playground.

3. The girls are making a kite.

4. The boys are making paper planes.

Whole class



Pair work









5. Look and write.



 - Instruct Ps to write the answers to the questions about what the children can do, using the picture cues.

 - Ask Ps to look at the four pictures to identify what the character in each picture are doing.

 - Ask Ps read the questions and think of possible answers.

- Have them write the answers.

- Give Ps time to do the task.

 - Get Ps to swap to check their answers.

- Get Ps to work in pairs, if necessary.

 - Correct.


  1. They’re painting a mask.

 2. They’re making a kite.

 3. They’re making paper planes.

 4. They’re making a paper house.

 - Comment and motivate.

 - Call some pairs to act out the complete dialogues.


- Listen

- Read in silence

- Listen

- Do the task

- Swap

- Look at the board and copy

- Listen

6. Let’s sing.


- Have the class sing the song: “What are they doing?”

- Have Ps read each line of the lyrics.

- Play the recording for Ps to listen.

- Ask Ps to read the song line by line.

- When they are singing, show them how to mime the lyrics.

- Play the recording again and get Ps to sing along with the recording.

- Divide the class into two groups: one sings the questions and the other sings the answers.

- Have the class sing and mime the song in groups.

- Whole class





Group work

WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12-09/12/2022)

Unit 9: What are they doing?

Lesson 3: Period 55

1. Listen & repeat.

2. Listen and number. Then say aloud.

3. Let’s chant.

I. Objectives:

- Help Ps to pronounce the sounds of the letters sk and xt in the words mask and text.

- Ps will listen and tick the correct words.

- Practice chanting and doing actions.

II. Languages focus:


1. Vocabulary:

2. Sentence patterns:

III. Resources: student’s book, recording, pictures, cassette player.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm-up.

    Check up.


- Sing the song: What are they doing?

- Call some Ps to ask and answer questions about what they are doing.

Whole class


2 pairs

1. Listen & repeat.


-  Write the letters sk and xt on the board.

-    Present the sounds: “ sk ” and “ xt ”.

-  Play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few times.

- Write the words mask, text and 2  sentences in the book on the board.

- Play the recording and let pupils say the words and the phrases.

- Ask Ps to find some words with  the sounds: “sk” and “xt”.

- Have Ps read the sounds, words and phrases in chorus and  individually.

- Call some Ps to read, T corrects the pronunciation.

Whole class


2. Listen and tick. Then write and say aloud.


-     Tell Ps that they are going to listen the four sentences to the recording and tick the correct words, and then read the sentences aloud.

-     Ask Ps to read the sentences and guess the words to fill the gaps.

-     Play the recording so they can listen and tick the words. Remind Ps to focus on the words with the letter sk and xt while listening.

-     Have Ps listen again and check. Then compare the answers with a partner.

-     Call some Ps to read aloud the completed sentences.

Key: 1. a            2. a           3. a         4. b

Audio Script:



Whole class


Pair work

3. Let’s chant.


- T reads the chant “What’s he doing? first.

- Have Ps read the chant line by line and check comprehension.

- Play the recording a few times for Ps to do choral and individual repetition. Show them how to chant and do actions.

- Divide the class into 2 groups to chant and do actions.

- Call some pairs to front of the class to chant and do actions. The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm.

- Correct pronunciation.



Whole class





Group work

Pair work


WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12-09/12/2022)

Unit 9: What are they doing?

Lesson 3: Period 56

                    4. Read and tick.

5. Write about the picture.

6. Project.

I. Objectives:

            - By the end of the lesson: Ps can ask and answer questions about what people are doing, using What are they doing? They’re………

            - Help Ps to read the text and tick T or F.

            - Help Ps to write a short paragraph.

           - Ps can describe what each of the family members is doing in the photo.

II. Languages focus:


1. Vocabulary: words and phrases related about Classroom activities

2. Sentence patterns: questions about what people are doing, what someone is doing.

III. Resources: student’s book, CD, pictures, cassette.


Stages/ Time



I. Warm-up.


- Revise the chant: “What’s he doing?”

- Comment

- Revise the chant.

- Listen.


4. Read and tick.


- Ask Ps to read the text about what the pupils are doing and tick T or F.

- Ask them to look at the statements first and then read the text, focusing on the information they need to do the task.

- Get Ps time to do the task independently.

- Get Ps to swap to check their answers.

- Correct and comment.


1.F    2.F     3.F      4.T      5.F

Whole class

Group work

5.Write about the picture.


- Ask Ps to write a short paragraph to describe what the pupils are doing in their Art lesson.

- Ask Ps look at the word cues and guess what they are going to write.

- Have Ps work in pairs or groups to discuss what they are going to write.

- Get Ps time to do the task independently.

- Go around to offer help

- Get Ps to swap to check their answers.

- Call one Ps to write the answers on the board.

- Comment.


Whole class



Pair work

6. Project.


-Ask Ps to choose a photo of their family and describe what each of the family members is doing in the photo.

- Ask Ps to look at their photos and find out what each person is doing.

- Get some Ps to do a demonstration in front of the class.

- Call some Ps to front of the class to describe their photo.

- Listen.

- Do the project.




-  Have Ps consolidate the lesson.

- Comment and consolidate it again.

- Consolidate the lesson.


 LỚP 5 TUẦN 13-14

WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11 - 02/12/2022)

UNIT 8                           WHAT ARE YOU READING?

                                          Lesson 3 Part1, 2, 3 Period 49


v Objectives: By the end of the period, Ss will be able to say question and answer with the correct sentence stress.

v Language focus:

Sentence patterns: Vocabulary:

v Resources: Ss’ book, recording, poster

v Procedures:




1. Warm – up (5’)

- Spend a few minute calling some ps to sing Snow White and Aladdin.Have the class listen and slap their hands.

- Whole class

2. Listen and Repeat( 15’)

- Tell ss that they are going to practise saying the questions and answer ,paying attention to the sentence stress.

Put the sentence on the board .Play the recording all the way through for ps to repeat a few time.

Do charal and individual repetition of the questions and answer until ps feel confident.

Get some ps to perform the activity.Correct the pronunciation.

- T – whole class

- Whole class


- Individual

- Pairs

- Ss

- T – whole class

3. Listen and circle a or b . Then say aloud

Tell the class that they are going to listen and circle a or b,then say the completed senten ces aloud

Ask them to read the sentences and guess the answer

.Play the recording fot them to listen and do the task. Monitor the activity and help them when necessary.

- Play again for Ss to do the task.

- Play once more for Ss to check their answers.

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class.

Ask Ss to read the completed sentence aloud.

Key : 1. a      2. b     3. a     4.b


- Groups


- T


- Groups


- Ss

4. Let’s Chant

( 3’)

Tell ps that they are going to  say the chantWhat are you readind ?. Have them to read the chant and check comprehension. Then play the recording for them to repeat the line twice. Divide the class into 2 groups to ptctice chanting once or twice Have ps practise saying the chant and doing actions in groups

Call 2 small groups of ps to the font of the class to say the chant and do action .Then rest of the class claps their hand along to the rhythm.

- Ss

5. Homelink (1’)

- Have ss sing the chant at home.

- Individual


WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11 - 02/12/2022)

UNIT 8                           WHAT ARE YOU READING?

                                          Lesson 3 Part 4,5 ,6 Period 50


v Objectives: .By the end of the period, Ss will be able to say question and answer with the correct sentence stress.

v Language focus:

Sentence patterns: Vocabulary:

v Resources: Ss’ book, recording.

v Procedures:




1. Warm – up    ( 5’)

- Spend a few minutes revising the chant what are you reading ? by getting two gs of four to the class to say the chant and do actions .Ask the rest of the class to listen and clap their hand

- Groups

2. Listen & repeat Yes(Y) or NO(N) ( 10’)

- Tell ss to identify the picture on page 57. Tell them that they are going to read about Tom’sfavourite book and  Yes or No.

-Explain the meaning of schoolboy and police.

- Play the recording through for ss to listen.

- Play again, pausing after each line for ss to repeat.

- Divide the class into 2 groups to role play.

- Call on some pairs to listen & repeat.

-Key: 1.Y    2. N    3. Y    4.  N    5 . Y

- T – whole class


- T – whole class

- Groups

- Pairs

3. Write about your favourite book ( 18’)

-Tell the class that they are going to write about their favourite books.

Have them read the gapped sentence and think about the words to write.Give enough time for ps to do the task.

Get them to swap and read their writing in pairs before asking two or three ps to read their answers aloud.

­Key : Answer vary

- T – whole class


- T – whole class

- T – S1

- Pairs

- Pairs

4. Project


- Tell the class that they are going to interview three of their classmates about their favourite book and character. Ask them to copy the table below and takes notes.

Give them time to do the interviews in class and complete the table .

Invite some ps to report their result to the class

- T – whole class

5. Colour the Stars(1’)

- Have the class read the statement and check their comprehension.

Give them time to colour the start and invite a fewps to read the statements aloud .

Give further support to ps who find it difficult to achieve certain objectives

- Individual


WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11 - 02/12/2022)


Lesson 1 Part 1,2,3 ( Period 51)


v Objectives: By the end of the period, Ss will be able to use the words and pharses related to the topic Animals at the Zoo.

Ask and answer questions about animals in the zoo , using What did you see at the zoo ? I saw

v Language focus:

Sentence patterns: What did you see at the zoo ? I saw Vocabulary: Pythons ,crocodiles, peacock, gorillas.

v Resources: Ss’ book, recording.

v Procedures:




1. Warm – up (5’)

- Spend a few minutes having the class report the results of their interviews in Unit 8, lesson 3 Ac 6 and do the chant in Av 3 .Invite two bor three grs to say the chant and do action in front of the class .Then introduce lesson1

- Whole class

2. Look, listen and repeat ( 15’)

- Ask Ss to open their book on page 58.

- .Have them look at the picture.Introduce the story by pointing at each character and elicit ps’s  answer to these question :.Who are they? Where are they? And What are they talking about ? In pics a Linda and Peter are in the canteen and talking about  at school .In pics b,Peter asks Linda what did you see at the zoo? ,IN pics c Linda is telling peter about the noisy  monkeys. In pics d Peter asks Linda if she saw any tigers

-  - Play the recording for Ss to listen & repeat.

- Ask some Ss to say the dialogues, paying particular attention to the focused sounds.


- T – whole class

- T – whole class


- T – S1


- Individual

- Ss


- Ss

3. Point and Say ( 11’)

- Elicit the sentence pattern from ss

* Pattern:            

              What did you see at the zoo ? I saw

* Vocabulary: Pythons , crocodiles, peacock, gorillas

- Have them practise asking and answering  the qs about the animals in the zoo , using What did you see at the zoo ? I saw.

Teach the names of the animals and how to say them: Pythons , crocodiles, peacock, gorillas

drill. Point at each picture for them to say the qs. Explain the words each picture and have ps repeat them once or twice before practising the answers. Finally, Point at each picture and say the question for the class to answer.

- Ask ps to work in pairs. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.

- Invite one or two pairs to perform the activity

- T – whole class


- T

- Pairs




- Ss

- T

4.Let’s Talk

( 3’)

- Have Ss that they are going to practice further by asking and answering about the animals in the zoo

 Ask ps to work in pairs one ps ask and one answer 

Invite a pair to act out what they have practised. Then give feedback .Correct their pronunciation, if necessary.

- Ss

5. Homelink (1’)

- Write the names of the school subjects in the Crossword puzzle in their notebooks.

- Individual


WEEK 13 (Date: 28/11 - 02/12/2022)


Lesson 1 Part 4,5,6 Period 52


v Objectives: By the end of the period, Ss will be able to use the words and pharses related to the topic Animals at the Zoo.

Ask and answer questions about animals in the zoo , using What did you see at the zoo ? I saw

v Language focus:

Sentence patterns:  What did you see at the zoo ? I saw Vocabulary: Pythons , crocodiles, peacock, gorillas

v Resources: Student’s book, recording, fresh cards,

v Procedures:




1. Warm – up( 4’)

- Spend a few minutes revising the story in Ac 1 by inviting two or three pairs to act out the story

- Ss

2.  listen and   tick ( 10’)

- Ask ss to identify the picture on page 59. Tell them that they are going to listen & tick the correct pics.

Have ps read the questions in their books .Check their understanding

- Play the recording through for ss to listen.

- Play again, pausing after each line for ss to repeat.

- Divide the class into 3 groups to role play.

- Call on some groups to listen & repeat.

Key : 1b 2a 3 b

- T – whole class


- T – Ss



- Groups

- Groups

3. Read and complete

( 18’)

Tell the class that they are going to read and fill the gaps with intelligent, gorillas, elephants, do and like .

Set time limit for ps to do the task independently.

Get them to compare their answer in pairs before checking as a class . If there isb enough time, have the class read the completed text aloud.

Key :   1. like   2. gorillas    3. intelligent 

            4. do     5. elephant

- T – whole class


- T – whole class

- T – Ss

- T – S1

- Pairs

- Pairs

4. Let’s sing


Introduce the  song What did you see at the zoo?

- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class and do the actions. The others clap their hands after the song.

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing the actions in groups. Monitor the activity and help them when necessary. Correct pronunciation Ss’ errors.

- Call on one group to perform the song at the front of the class. The rest of the class sing the song and clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their pronunciation.

- T – whole class

5. Homelink (1’)

- Ask ss to recite the pattern & vocabulary.

- Individual


WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12  - 09/12/2022)

UNIT 9                          WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO?

Lesson 2 Part 1,2,3 Period 53


v Objectives: By the end of th eperiod, Ss will be able to ask & answer about what animals did in the zoo , using What did the ...... do when you were there ? They ...

v Language focus:

Sentence patterns: What did the ...... do when you were there ? They ... Vocabulary: roar loudly , move beautifully, move quietly, eat slowly.

v Resources: Ss’ book, recording .

v Procedures:




1. Warm – up (5’)

- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by having the class sing the song What did you see at the zoo? Invite a gr to do actions in front of the class during the singing.

- Groups

2. Look, listen and repeat16’)

- Ask Ss to open their book on page 60.

- Have them look at the picture and check their comprehension by pointing at each ps

and eliciting ps’s  answer to these question : Who are they? Where are they? And What are they talking about ? Guess what the pythons/the lion/the pandas did at the zoo. In pics a, Phong says that he went to the zoo last week and it was great. In pics b, Nam asks  what did the lion do when you were there ? In pics c and d , Phong continues to talk about other animals and says I saw a python too.

- Play the recording for Ss to listen & repeat.

- Ask some Ss to say the dialogues, paying particular attention to the focused sounds.





- T – Ss

- T – S1

- Ss


- Pairs

- Pairs

3. Point and say

- Elicit the sentence pattern from Ss

* Pattern:   

What did the ...... do when you were there ?They ...

* Check vocabulary:   roar loudly , move beautifully, move quietly, eat slowly.

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 60. Tell them that they are going to practise asking and answering the questions about What did the ...... do when you were there ?They ...

Revise the past simple forms of the verbs roar(roared)....and teach the adverbs, remind them that adverbs take an -ly ending. Having the practise saying the question  What did the ...... do when you were there ?They ... with the names or the animals under the pics.

Then point to each pics and ask the question for them to practise saying the answer with the verb phrase.

- Ask Ss to practise in pairs. Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary.

- Select some pair to ask our the exchange


- T – whole class




- T – Ss

- Individual


- Ss

- T


- T – whole class

4. Let’s talk


- Tell the class that they are going to practise further by asking and answering the question in their books.

- Set time limit for ps to do the task. Invite a few pairs to act out the exchanges in front of the class . Then give feedback. Correct their pronounciation , if necessary.

- Pairs

5. Homelink (1’)

- Have ss write the days of the week in their notebooks.

- Individual

WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12  - 09/12/2022)

UNIT 9:                          WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO?

Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6 Period 54

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:

By the end of this unit, pupils can

use the words and phrases related to the topic Animals at the zoo. ask and answer questions about what animals did in the zoo, using What did the ... do when you were there? They ...

2. Skills:

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

3. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: Review

II. Resources:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III. Procedures:





1. Warm up (5’)

Play the game: Order the words

- Play game

2. Listen and circle a or b (10’)

Tell  the class that they are going to listen and circle a or b to complete the sentences.          Ask them to read the sentences and guess the  answers. Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen. Play it again for them to do the task. Get pupils to compare their answers before checking as a  class.

Key:  1 a     2 b     3 b

- Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the tape

- Listen and do the task

- Listen

3. Write about your visit to the zoo(10’)

Remind the class that they should write about things that really happened to them. Have pupils read the questions and check their understanding. Set a time limit for them to do the writing. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. Get them to swap and read their writing in pairs before inviting one or two to read their answers aloud. Key: Answers vary

-Do the task

- Individually

- Work in pairs

- Some Ps

- The whole class

- Listen

- Do as directed

4. Let’s play(10’)

Tell pupils that they are going to play  Charades. Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Stick a large sheet of paper on the board with the following words written on it: slowly, noisily, quickly, loudly, quietly and beautifully. Explain how the game is played. One pupil of Team A mimes a zoo animal and asks What did I see at the zoo? The pupils of Team B answer the question. If the answer is correct, Team B wins one point. Another pupil from Team  A mimes an action which that  animal does and asks What  did they do there? Team B gives the answer. If the answer is correct, Team B wins another point. Then it is Team B’s turn to mime and ask questions. Set a time limit. The two teams take turns to mime and ask questions. The team that gets more points  wins.  

- Listen

- Play in groups

5. Homework(1’)

-  Do exercises in workbook, prepare the next period.

- Listen                                           

- Remember

WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12  - 09/12/2022)

UNIT 9:                         WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO?

Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3 Period 55

I. Objectives:


By the end of this unit, pupils can

use the words and phrases related to the topic Animals at the zoo. say questions and answers with the correct sentence stress.

2. Skills:

- Develop Ps writing and listening skills

3. Language focus:

- Vocabulary and structures: Review                                         

- Phonics: stress on questions and answers

II. Resources:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III. Procedures:





1. Warm up(5’)

Play game:  Pass the secret!

- Play the game

2. Listen and repeat(10’)


Tell the class that they are going to practise saying questions and answers with the correct sentence stress.

Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in their books. Then play it again for them to repeat the sentences twice.

- Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the tape

- Listen and repeat in choral, groups and individual

3. Listen and underline the stress words. Then say aloud


Tell the class that they are going to listen and circle a or b to complete the sentences. Give them a few seconds to read the sentences in silence before playing the recording twice for them to do the  task. Get them to compare their answers in pairs before

- Listen to the teacher

- Look at the books and guess

- Listen and write

- Listen and check

- Read aloud

4.  Let’s chant


Tell the class that they are going to do the chant At the circus. Follow the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Introduction. Have them repeat each line of the chant. Divide the class into two groups: one group says   the questions and the other says the answers. Then the two groups swap their roles after the first round. Set a time limit for pupils to practise saying the chant and doing actions in groups.

Invite two groups to say the chant and do actions.

- Read the chant

- Do as directed

- Practice in groups

- Work in pairs

- The whole class

5. Homework(3’)

-  Do exercises in workbook, prepare the next period.

- Remember

WEEK 14 (Date: 05/12  - 09/12/2022)

UNIT 9:                         WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO?

Lesson 3: Part 4-5-6-7 Period 56

I. Objectives:


- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to use words and phrases related to the topic about  animals at the zoo..

2. Skills:

- Develop Ps writing and listening skills

3. Language focus:

- Vocabulary and structures: review                                        

II. Resources:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III. Procedures:





1. Warm up(5’)

Spend a few minutes having the class say the chant in Activity 3.

- Read the chant


2. Read and match(10’)

Tell the class that they are going to read the text and match the sentences with First, Then, Next and In the end. Get them to read the sentences and then read the text to find out their order. Set a time limit for them to do the task independently. Monitor the activity and offer help,     if necessary. Have them swap and compare their answers before checking as a class. Give explanations   for the answers, if necessary.

Key:  1 b     2 d     3 a     4 c

- Listen to the teacher

- Read the paragraph

- Individually

- Work in pairs

- Some Ps

- Answer the T’s question

- The whole class

3. Write about  your last visit to the zoo(10’)

Tell the class that they are going to write about their last visit to the zoo. Give them time to read and write their   answers. Set a time limit for them to do the task individually. Monitor the activity and offer help,           if necessary. Remind them to write the first letter of the word beginning each sentence and the names      of people in capital letters, and put commas or full stops in the appropriate places. Get pupils to swap and read their writing in pairs before inviting two or three pupils to read their  answers aloud.

Key:  Answers vary

- Listen to the teacher

- Do as directed

- Write

- Work in pairs

- The whole class

- Listen

4. Project(5’)


Tell  the class that they are going to draw their dream zoos. Ask them to work in groups          of five to discuss what animals to put in their dream zoos and who should draw which   animal.

Set a time limit for them to do the  task. Have the class display their drawings. Invite one or two groups to talk to the class about    their dream zoos.  

-         Work in groups

-         Do the task

5. Colour the star(5’)

Have the class read the statements and check their  comprehension.

•     Give them time to colour the stars and invite a few pupils to read the statements  aloud.

•        Give further support to pupils who find it difficult to achieve certain   objectives.

-      Read the statements

-      Colour the stars

6. Homework(2’)

-  Do exercises in workbook, prepare the next period.

- Remember